Friday, January 10, 2014

(Not Christmas Anymore) #17: He Covers Shame

He covers Shame & Sin

This morning I went to Proverbs 10 (yes, whenever I want to read a Proverb I typically just go to the chapter that corresponds with the day of the month -- Guilty). Anyway, I got to verse 12:

Hatred stirs up strife,
But love covers all sins.
(Prov. 10:12 NKJV)

And I was reminded that I wanted to write a post devoted to my favorite quality of Christ: the fact that He covers shame and sin.
I always find it interesting when I see a passage like this in the Old Testament and then remember the Pharisees and religious Jews during Jesus' time who had an incredible knowledge of the scriptures, yet still were unloving (and loved to expose people's sin). But we're ALL guilty of knowing the words of God and ignoring them.

God really spoke to me concerning this idea of "covering sin and shame" after a situation that happened a little over a year ago. (I'll have to try to avoid as many details as possible out of respect). A large group of folks and myself had to meet VERY early in the morning for what was going to be a long, busy day. Well, I learned that one of my fellow participants had elected to not sleep the night before, and, on top of that, spent their time drinking a large quantity of some certain beverages ... ones that they were not legally allowed to be consuming in the first place... Anyway, needless to say, I burned inside with a "dad-like" and not-so-forgiving frustration with this person's irresponsibility. Throughout the entire day, I carried the desire to expose the real reason behind this person's "bout of motion sickness" earlier, and would've loved to express my frustration at their immaturity.

It wasn't until much later (I don't remember...days or weeks) that I found myself dwelling on God's tendency to cover sin and shame, and He reminded me of that day in which I so strongly desired to do the complete opposite! It's so simple -- how can I love and desire the covering that Jesus gives me, but be reluctant to give it to others? I may have successfully kept it all bottled up inside that day, but my heart was definitely not in the right place at all.
We see the reoccurring theme of "covering" throughout the entire Bible. After Adam and Eve sinned and were "ashamed" they attempted to cover themselves, as anyone would. Did God take away their fig leaves and punish them? Well, not exactly. Read Genesis 3:21 God actually clothed them! And the fact that animal skins were used means what? An animal likely had to die. This was the first sacrifice for sin, and it was to cover the shame of the sinner. The love of our God is just incredible. When we mess up, He doesn't make us sit up high in a corner wearing the "dunce hat" or the cone of shame. He removes our sin and takes away our shame! We're not merely clothed, but clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

I think it's significant that part of Jesus' sacrifice for our sin included His exposure and nakedness on the cross. He was stripped of His garments so that we could be forever clothed. Sin doesn't just lead to pain and death -- it brings lots of shame. And Jesus took on our shame just as much as our death.

And it all points back to what He did for Adam and Eve. Even in the last book of the Bible, the Lord is offering clothing as He did in the garden.

Revelation 3:18-21
18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

We all want our shame covered.  So remember to do it for others.  Gossip is SO far beyond the character of Christ!  Resist the urge to spread any negative speech about ANYONE.  Remember that Jesus is in you, and the LAST thing He would ever do is drag your shame through the streets.

And remember -- it's not "what would Jesus do."  Instead ask "what is Jesus doing right now, and what does He want to do through me."

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