Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas #8: He is Joy

He is Joy

Yes, Joy.  Some of us struggle with joy so much that when you even mention the word in some kind of serious conversation, we run into our little cave of guilt and criticism.  Good news:  He is the source of joy!  If joy wasn't a big deal, it wouldn't be mentioned in the Bible a gazillion times.  [what? Google doesn't point out a spelling error when I say the world "gazillion??" PROGRESS!]  The Bible is teeming with stories of joy and instruction to be joyful.  But like instruction to do anything, it's about letting Jesus be/do those things in you.

One of the most famous stories that illustrates the joy of God is the prodigal son.  When someone returns to the arms of God, there is much, MUCH rejoicing.  I'm sure I don't need to tell the story.

I guarantee Jesus was a joyful person while he lived His human life on this earth.  How else could He be the "life of the party" when He's at a party with tax collectors, drunkards, prostitutes, etc.  He's still the life of the party today.

Joy is linked very closely with Hope.  And the only real hope in life is that of Jesus.  Think about that.  You can hope in wealth, family, success, happiness...but happiness will die away.  In fact, even "happiness" in anything you can find on earth does not satisfy you!  So that hope is shallow and temporary.  If you lose your hope, you lose your real joy.  If you remember that your only hope is in Him, then you will be free to feel joy as well.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace...

The thing about the fruit of the Spirit that you might have mis-learned as a child is that these are not commandments.  These are fruit. They are RESULTS.  They are an end, not a means to an end.  And just like you can't force a tree to bear certain fruit, a person cannot force fruit either.  An apple tree bears apples, and someone who is plugged into Christ bears love, joy, peace, patience, etc.  This is very good news for those of us who go through life without much joy.  You want joy?  Get Jesus.

If you see a friend who is struggling with being loving, joyful, patient, kind, gentle ... it's not because she/he is forgetting to be those things.  It's not because she's not trying hard enough or because he didn't read Galatians 5 today.  It's because there's an underlying issue of being connected to the Head, Jesus, the only source of spiritual life.

God doesn't give us fruits, He puts the tree inside of us.  He gives us Jesus.  And He already HAS given you Jesus!  So go enjoy the Lord and all His wonderful qualities that will shine through you.  Ask for a fresh revealing of who He really is, because it's only in this way that we are able to love Him and live Him.

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