Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas #5: He is the Bridegroom

He is the Bridegroom

This post shifts our focus to Jesus' unique identity, and yet it still impacts who WE are and how we live.

Matt. 22:29-30  Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken...  For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.

Here's the plot twist: there will be a marriage in Heaven.

The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the center of it all.  He's not just the center for now; He wasn't the center just for the time He was on earth; as I will discuss next week in the "Alpha & Omega" post, He is the center forever.  Life will never be about us, nor is it about family or marriage or earthly, human love.  It is and will always be about Him.  And the Bible clearly points us to this concept.  Not only that, but the Bible teaches us that WE (the church) are the Bride of Christ.  So what does that make Him?  A GROOM!  Or a "husband" after the wedding, if you will.

Read these passages in this order if you're hesitant to grasp this:
John 3:26-36
Matt. 9:14-15
Eph. 5:31-32
Matt. 25:1-13
2 Cor. 11:2-3
And then read the book of Revelation and Song of Solomon :)

The entire Bible's center focus is Jesus Christ, and it is a love story.  And why would He go through all these lengths to describe Himself as the Bridegroom and the union of Himself and the Church as a wedding if not for the sake of ........ romance?

The Bible is teeming with romance and relationship between God and His people.  Between Jesus and His Church.  The important thing I want us to remember is that His love, our romance, and the great wedding/marriage is in our future.  THIS is what we look forward to.  THIS is what we anticipate!  The idea that I'm countering right now is this idea that "Jesus came and died so that we could go to Heaven and live happy eternal lives."  OR  "In heaven will have nice happy families, be glorified, and enjoy pleasure forever...maybe even possibly progress to something even bigger..."

On the contrary, Jesus came and died so that we could be united with our creator -- Him -- forever, starting today! [spoiler alert!]  He is the end result.  He began all things and all things will end with us joining Him in an eternal romance.  John Piper explained it in this way:  Jesus came to earth as a human to choose His bride (the church), pay for her with His blood, and is now betrothed to her.  When He returns the second time, it will be to marry His fiance.

As the groom, He initiates the relationship.  Your job is easy.  Just listen and respond to Him.  Enjoy His love and favor, and remember the fact that throughout the most horrible strife that this life brings, He is holding your hand through it all and ever drawing you towards Himself for love.

Last thing: While I'm exposing Christ as much as I can this month, it doesn't come close to truly or completely revealing Him.  This is an exciting fact, because we can go our entire earthly life studying Him and getting a bigger and bigger picture of Him, but it's when we are united with Him after death that we will FINALLY see how enormous and exciting our Bridegroom is.

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